Lifetime Mortgage: Can You Buy a Property with One?

Buying a Property with a Lifetime Mortgage Explained

Ever thought about buying a property with a lifetime mortgage? It might sound a bit unorthodox, but it’s an intriguing option for those over 55 looking to make a significant housing change. A lifetime mortgage allows you to unlock the equity in your current home to purchase another, often larger, property. But how does it all work, and is it the right choice for you?

Lifetime Mortgage: Can You Buy a Property with One?

What is a Lifetime Mortgage?

A lifetime mortgage is a type of equity release plan specifically designed for homeowners over the age of 55. It enables you to release equity from your home while retaining full ownership. Why is this important? Because it provides financial flexibility without forcing you to sell up completely. This setup can be particularly beneficial if you’re considering upsizing, downsizing, or simply moving closer to family.

Common Uses for Lifetime Mortgages

  • Upsizing or Downsizing: Whether you need more space or want to simplify, a lifetime mortgage can help.
  • Moving Closer to Family: Ideal for those seeking proximity to loved ones.
  • Funding Retirement: Use the equity to boost retirement income or make home improvements.

How Does it Work?

Imagine having the financial freedom to choose your dream home without the burden of monthly repayments. A lifetime mortgage is secured against your property and is repaid from the sale of the home when you pass away or move into long-term care. It’s like having your cake and eating it too!

Key Features

  • No Monthly Payments: Interest rolls up over time, but you can opt to pay the interest to protect your equity.
  • Fixed Interest Rates: Unlike traditional mortgages, rates are set for life, providing peace of mind against market fluctuations.
  • Portability: Many lifetime mortgages offer the option to transfer the loan to a new property if you decide to move.

Benefits of Buying with a Lifetime Mortgage

Purchasing a property with a lifetime mortgage offers several advantages. It can be a strategic move, especially if you’re looking to enhance your living situation without depleting your savings. Here’s a quick look at why it might be beneficial:

Financial Advantages

  • Larger Home: You can afford a bigger or more suitable property than traditional methods allow.
  • Flexible Repayment Options: Choose to pay off the interest or let it accumulate.
  • Increased Inheritance: By managing the interest, more of your estate can be left to your heirs.

Challenges to Consider

While the benefits are clear, it’s essential to weigh them against potential downsides. Interest can quickly accumulate, reducing the value of your estate. Additionally, lifetime mortgages might affect your eligibility for certain benefits.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Compound Interest: If unchecked, it can erode your estate significantly.
  • Early Repayment Charges: Some plans may include penalties if you choose to exit the agreement early.

Making the Right Choice with AnySqft

Choosing a lifetime mortgage is a big decision. With AnySqft’s AI-driven platform, the process becomes more straightforward. Our technology analyzes market trends to offer personalized property recommendations and connects you with experienced advisors to guide you through each step.


A lifetime mortgage can be a savvy choice for those over 55 looking to purchase a new property. It provides the flexibility to buy a larger home without the burden of ongoing payments. However, it’s crucial to consider the long-term implications and seek professional advice. If a lifetime mortgage aligns with your goals, it can be a powerful tool to enhance your lifestyle and secure your financial future.

Can You Buy a Property with a Lifetime Mortgage?

Yes, you can buy a property with a lifetime mortgage! Here’s how it works:

Key Features

  • Equity Release: Access funds from your current home.
  • No Monthly Payments: Interest can roll up until sale.
  • Portability: Transfer to a new property if you move.


  • Affordability: Purchase a larger or more suitable home.
  • Retain Ownership: You remain the owner of your property.

Explore the potential of a lifetime mortgage today! For personalized guidance on your property journey, check out AnySqft for tailored advice and options. Discover More.

FAQs About Buying a Property with a Lifetime Mortgage

Can I buy a house with a lifetime mortgage?

Yes, a lifetime mortgage can be used to purchase a new home. It allows you to release equity from your current property to finance the purchase, providing the flexibility to live in a larger or more suitable home.

What are the advantages of using a lifetime mortgage to buy a property?

Using a lifetime mortgage can allow you to afford a more expensive property without monthly repayments. You also retain ownership of your home, and if you pay some or all of the interest, you can preserve more of your estate for inheritance.

Are there any risks associated with a lifetime mortgage?

Yes, there are risks such as accumulating compound interest that can erode your estate’s value. Additionally, a lifetime mortgage may affect your eligibility for means-tested benefits, so it’s essential to consider these factors before proceeding.

What happens if I want to move again after taking out a lifetime mortgage?

Most lifetime mortgage lenders allow you to port your mortgage to a new property. This means you can transfer your existing mortgage to your new home, although there may be costs involved in doing so.

Is it necessary to seek professional advice before choosing a lifetime mortgage?

Absolutely. Consulting with a qualified later life mortgage advisor is crucial to understanding your options and finding the best solution tailored to your financial situation and goals.